True North 2024
True North is di Rosa’s biennial juried exhibition celebrating the work of North Bay artists. Selected by a panel of artists and art workers, this second iteration of True North presents a diverse array of work by artists living or working in Marin, Napa, Solano, or Sonoma counties.
Submissions were juried by Lisa Crallé, artist, curator, and Founder & Director of Personal Space in Vallejo, CA; Reniel Del Rosario, artist; and Justin Wyckoff, art conservator and writer.
Fiber Art Now - Fall Publication
Marinwood Annual Fall 2024 Invitational Art Show
Awarded Honorable Mention
Awarded Honorable Mention
"Hot Lips"
Psychotria Elata is from the rain forests of South America. This endangered tree has flower like leaves that look like lips. I created this piece using repurposed vinyl records for the flowers and the leaves. Repurposed telephone wire was hand woven using a fiber technique.
Psychotria Elata is from the rain forests of South America. This endangered tree has flower like leaves that look like lips. I created this piece using repurposed vinyl records for the flowers and the leaves. Repurposed telephone wire was hand woven using a fiber technique.
American Bald Eagle
This newly completed piece was made of perforated metal and silk. Privately held collector.
This newly completed piece was made of perforated metal and silk. Privately held collector.
A big thank you to: Sebastopol Center for the Arts in hosting the SDJ bi-annual International Fiber Arts XI Show.
Bebe is pictured with her piece Trio. Spirit Messenger's also in the show received the Coordinators Award in this coveted show.
Bebe is pictured with her piece Trio. Spirit Messenger's also in the show received the Coordinators Award in this coveted show.
The University Libraries Arts & Exhibits at the University of South Dakota is hosting the annual; “Bound and Unbound VII.” The exhibit will feature mixed media artworks where books are changed from their original form, altering their state or meaning. This coveted show of altered books was juried by Brian Dettmer. Dettmer is an icon and is one of the leading altered book artists working in the United States today. The show begins August 21 and runs thru January 3 2024.
University Libraries, University of South Dakota
414 East Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 5706
University Libraries, University of South Dakota
414 East Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 5706
Iconic America: PBS Series
Host & Executive Producer David Rubenstein examines the history of America through some of its most iconic symbols, objects and places, on location and in conversation with historical thinkers, community members and other experts.
Host & Executive Producer David Rubenstein examines the history of America through some of its most iconic symbols, objects and places, on location and in conversation with historical thinkers, community members and other experts.
PBS segment by Prairie Sportsman episode; Things That Fly features the National Eagle Center with highlights of "Aquila," the altered book by Bebe.
The sculpture is an eagle’s wing true to size. The US flag image is from 1858 when Minnesota became the 32 state admitted to the Union. The flag image transitions showing the eagle feathers. Using shredded pages from the book “American Eagle,” Bebe wove them into preforated aluminum making the image pixel by pixel.
The grand opening of the National Eagle Center will be on May 25 located at; 50 Pembroke Ave, Wabasha, MN. The website:
The National Eagle Center’s reopens after a $27M expansion. The focal point of the grand reopening will be the dedicated gallery to house the multi-million dollar collection of Preston Cook. His collection including fine art will feature his newest acquisition, ”Aquil” by Bebe.
Sebastopol Center for the Arts - Bebe received "Best of Show" for her installation, "if you could walk in my shoes"
"Accessories" an object or device that is not essential in itself, but which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive. Jurors: Amy Smith, fiber artist and Andrea Caron have selected an amazing assortment of art for this international call. The show runs thru May 7th.
Bebe will have her installation art " If you could walk in my shoes" along with " "If the shoe fits..." These shoe sculptures brings awareness to earth’s fragile ecosystem. Her work tells a story about the human impact on people and living things.
"Accessories" an object or device that is not essential in itself, but which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive. Jurors: Amy Smith, fiber artist and Andrea Caron have selected an amazing assortment of art for this international call. The show runs thru May 7th.
Bebe will have her installation art " If you could walk in my shoes" along with " "If the shoe fits..." These shoe sculptures brings awareness to earth’s fragile ecosystem. Her work tells a story about the human impact on people and living things.
Bebe Kuhr received the Excellence in Fibers, VII award for Fiber Sculpture in this international show. Her artist profile along with images of her art “Fragmented” & “Endangered” appears in the summer issue of Fiber Art Now. She reveals in her interview that she is an experimental artist and what inspires her to make her art. The issue is in print or available digitally at;
At the Hands of Man
EXTINCTION: Save the Planet is an international juried online group exhibition by Gallerium, in Ontario, Canada. My piece "At the Hands of Man" was selected. Time is running out to stop global warming. The sphere represents the earth with the hands of Man being the cause. The hourglass inside the sphere is telling us time is running out. The hand on the hourglass is trying to turn it over to reverse the effects that man has hand on the planet.
I am please to announce that I'm a founding member of the Lucca Biennale - Paper, Art, Design Group
Marin County Fair, 2019 - Art Awards

Award: Fine Craft, Title: Fragmented This large piece uses the fiber
Award, 3rd Place Title: Couture - knotless netting
Award, Honorable Mention Title: Altered Book
Award, Honorable Mention Title: Vase - handmade paper
Novato Art Center
Open Studios Art Demonstration by "Bebe" - The ancient artistry of wrapping rocks.
Plight of the Monarchs